Experienced, Simple, Straightforward
In an ever-changing market our expertise can be the difference between merely liquidating your trailer fleet versus getting the maximum value out of your equipment. Our team and proven track record, gives you the Ervin edge.
First things first... With every sale, we personally evaluate each trailer, and suggest any recommendations before going to market. This includes locations, conditions, specs, and marketability.
Our listing presentation includes detailed specification sheets, along with high quality photographs.
Ervin will use their 38 plus years experience, resources and industry
connections to market your equipment across the US, Mexico and Canada.
We take great pride in responding to our clients immediately, whether by email, phone or text. Your time is valuable... Time is money.
Our presentation of your trailers can take place where the trailers are
currently located or logistically placed in one of our many locations.
40 plus years of experience and knowledge of the transportation industry, allows our team to maximize the amount you’ll receive for the sale of your trailer fleet. Our goal is to gain you every dollar possible for your assets, and we sell the trailers as if they were our own. This is why customers continue to choose us time and time again.
With the contract phase, our experience is your advantage. Our trailer fleet purchase agreement is tailored to your particular requirements and needs.
We work with the title company and correspond with all parties to assure a successful closing in a timely manner.